Thursday, June 19, 2014


Firestorm Preferences set 1 class material based on the 4.6.5 release.

This material covers some of our Preferences. In particular we will cover the General, Chat and Privacy tabs

****General Tab
Language: Lets you choose System Default or the language of your choice from the drop down menu. System is generally what the default language is on your computer.

I want to access content rated: Allows you to choose what maturity level of content you are able to access inworld

General, Moderate, Adult: Allows access to all content. To enable this option, the date of birth you entered when signing up for SL needs to make you 18 or over now.

General and Moderate: Lets you access General and Moderate content

General: Limits you to General content

The "Start Location" drop down menu allows you to choose the default login location showing on the login screen. My Home or My Last Location.

Show on login: Check this to enable the login location picker on the login screen (recommended). You want this enabled to use a great feature on the Privacy tab.

Name Tags: Here you choose how you display residents' tags on your screen. For the most part, these apply to what you see, not what others see on you.
Off: Will set it so you do not see tags
On: Means tags will always be visible
Show briefly: Shows the tags temporarily, You can adjust the time they show through the box to the right.

You can enable or disable the following: .

My name: When unchecked, will not show your tag. Again, this is for your view only, others still see it.

Group titles: Unchecked, hides ALL group titles

View Display Names: When checked, shows display names

Highlight friends: Colors tags of those on your friends list differently from those not on your list.

Legacy nametag positioning: If enabled, the nametag will stay fixed at the avatar position and not follow the avatar head if it moves because of animations.

Usernames: When checked, shows usernames

You can have Display Names or Usernames, or both enabled, and this affects all instances of names in the viewer.

Hide own group title: Allows you to hide your own group title. This will hide your group title for everyone.

Legacy names instead of usernames: Will show legacy names (Firstname Lastname) instead of usernames (firstname.lastname). This requires Usernames being enabled.

Trim "Resident" from Legacy names: will remove the "resident" place marker in tags.

Away timeout: Will set you to Away if there is no mouse or keyboard input for the minutes set. Your choices are:
2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes
60 minutes

Log out after being marked away: Will log you out after being away for the number of minutes you set here. Your choices are:
2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
30 minutes

Sit when away: Will sit your avatar when in Away mode. This can be useful to avoid either "playful" friends or griefing.

Use web profiles by default: Displays user profiles as web profiles rather than in a profile window.

Pressing letter keys:: (Note that this is the same setting as in Preferences: Chat)
Starts local chat
Affects movement (WASD): You need this option enabled to use the letter keys for movement.

****Chat Tab
**General sub-tab

Chat window font size: Choose: Small, Medium, Large or Huge
Onscreen console font size: Choose: Small, Medium, Large or Huge

You can enable/disable the following:

Always display Group chats, IM sessions and nearby chat in uppercase: will show ALL chat as uppercase on your screen

Play typing animation when chatting: Your avatar will play the typing animation when chatting in local with this enabled.

Play avatar animations: For example, shouting and whispering.

Hear typing sound when people type in local chat: Enable if you want to hear this sound; disable if you don't. Only works if they are using typing animation.

Send typing notifications to other avatars during IM sessions: Will allow others to see your "John Doe is typing..." in the IM window.

Enable auto-completion of gestures in nearby chatbar: If this is enabled, then typed gestures will auto-complete as typed.

Enable automatic name prediction in nearby chatbar: allows for names in local to predict the name you are typing based on the letters typed and avatars in radar range.

Wrap system chat messages in brackets: makes system messages distinct by enclosing them in brackets.

Show “You” in chat transcripts instead of your name: Replace your name in transcripts.

Show names in direct IMs: If this is disabled, user names are not show on each line in IMs.

Email me IMs when I'm offline: Will send any offline IMs to the email that you have on file with LL.

Use V1 style chat headers: Makes chat look like V1 style chat as in it removes the line above the actual chat and places speaker's name and text on the same line.

When using V2/3 style chat headers, show mini icons: Shows the icon in the IM/group chat next to the name. If Use V1 style chat headers is enabled, this will not show even if enabled.

Show the end of the last conversation: If enabled, the last few lines of the last conversation will be show in IM windows. This requires that chat transcrips be enabled in Preferences ? Privacy -> General.

Show chat in bubbles above avatars: Puts local chat in bubbles above users' heads (and not in scrolling chat console at the bottom of the screen).

Show typing indicator in bubbles above avatars: This indicates that an avatar is typing by displaying a bubble above the avatar's head. The text itself will appear according to your settings.

Pressing letter keys (gives two options):
Starts local chat
Affects movement (i.e. WASD)

Show IMs in: Lets you choose to show IMs in separate windows or in Tabs in the Conversations window.

Chat Tab Mode Orientation: Allows you to choose to have your tabs either:
Horizontal: Puts the tabs in the Conversations window across the bottom.
Vertical: Puts the tabs in the Conversations window on the left side (enabled by default).

Name format for IM tabs: lets you choose how the names show on IM tabs, your choices are;
Display Name
Display Name (Username)
Username (display Name)

**Notifications sub-tab

Enable incoming Chat popups: Allows Group and/or IM chats to appear onscreen, in either console or toasts, whichever is set below.

Use console for chat popups instead of floating toasts (Viewer 1.x style): ) Displays chat in the onscreen left-hand console rather than in toasts.

Show IMs in chat console: Will show IMs in the chat console. This is on the screen, not in the Conversations window.

Show group chat in chat console: Will show group chat in the chat console. This is on the screen, not in the Conversations window.

Length of group names to be printed in chat transcript:
Setting '0' turns it off.
Setting '-1' shows the full group name.
Setting '1 or higher' shows the group name truncated to how ever many characters are set here, the '[' and ']' aren't counted.

Open Conversations when an offline message has been recieved: Opens the Conversations window if you have an offline message waiting.

Show IMs in nearby chat window: Shows the text of received IM in the nearby chat window.

Save IMs in nearby chat: Enables logging of IMs along with local chat; requires that local chat be logged, which can be enabled in the Privacy tab.

Fade IM text into the background of the chat history: 0.25 for most faded, 1 for no fade.

Announce incoming IMs as soon as the sender starts typing: Opens an IM tab or window as soon as someone starts typing to you.

Flash IM tabs when friends come online or go offline: Visually notifies you when friends log in or out if you have an IM tab open with them.

Flash chat toolbar button if new nearby chat arrives > The nearby chat window must be docked to the conversations window, and this must be closed for the button to flash.

Flash chat toolbar button if new IM arrives > The IM window must be docked to the conversations window, and this must be closed for the button to flash. also, this option is only available if IMs are shown in tabs, rather than separate windows; see the setting in Preferences → General.

Report muted group chat in nearby chat, If chat starts in a group which you have “muted”, a message to that effect will be displayed in nearby chat.
Group chat can be “muted” (disabled) in the groups profile window.

When receiving Instant Messages, When receiving Group Instant Messages and When receiving AdHoc Instant Messages allow you to hear a sound when you get a message, your options are
Play sound only on new IM session
Play sound on every message received
Play sound only if not in focus
Don't play any notification sound

Show group notices in group chats, in addition to toasts: If enabled, the text of group notices is displayed in the group chat window.

Show their subjects and authors as well: Also shows the title and sender of notices in group chat.

**Firestorm sub-tab

Chat and IM enhancements

”:” as a synonym for ”/me”: Used in Role Playing. Allows the use of ”:” instead of ”/me” to indicate an action or emote, instead of a statement. For example, ”:nods in agreement” appears as “John Doe nods in agreement”.
Note there is no space between the colon and the first word.

Emotes use italic font: Makes emotes show in italics.

Auto-close ((OOC)) parentheses: Used in Role Playing. When entering a message in RP mode, it is assumed RPers are speaking as their character. To communicate something outside of their character, they enclose their message with ”((” and ”))”.
When checked, the viewer automatically appends a ”))” to a message if it isn't present. For example ((This is OOC” results in ”((This is OOC))”.

Bold shouting, Italicize whispering: will show shouting in bold text, and whispering in italicized text in local.

Add a chatbar in the Nearby Chat window: Toggles the chat bar in the Nearby Chat window; if unchecked, the Nearby Chat window will have no chat bar, but the one at the bottom of the screen can be used.

Show channel selection in chat bar: Enables the channel selector in the nearby chat bar.

Show chat type/send chat button in chat bar: Adds a button in Nearby chat.

Autohide Main Chatbar: If this is enabled, then the chat bar at the bottom if the screen will close after you have typed something. Starting to type anything again will cause it to reopen.
Note that if both the WASD selection in Pressing Letter Keys and Autohide are enabled, you will need to hit Enter/Return before you begin typing in an autohidden chat bar.

Deselect Chat after sending Messages: Will move the cursor out of the chatbar after you send a message.

Mark objects with (no name) when they speak to avoid spoofing: This allows object names in chat to be clicked, so that you can get information about them (creator, owner, etc). Useful in griefing situations.

Group Chat

Enable group moderator message highlighting: This option will make text posted by group moderators stand out in group chat, so you can easily tell which poster has moderator rights. Two options may be combined (you can set them differently or the same):

The Name style and Text style dropdown menus have the same options.
Bold and Italic
Bold and Underline
Bold Italic and Underline

Disable ALL group chats: Prevents group chats from opening automatically when another user IMs the group.

When “receive group notices” is disabled, disable group chat as well: Turns off group chat from any group from which you are not receiving group notices.
Group text chat may now be disabled independently of group notices, in the groups profile window.
Note: You can still open group chats manually (from the group list) with this checked, and an already-open tab will still receive text. The option prevents the automatic creation of a tab when a group message is received


Options relating to IM time stamps and local chat logging. See Privacy for other chat log options and Network & Cache for chat log locations.

Show timestamps in: You can select whether to show timestamsp in…
Nearby chat

Show seconds in timestamps: adds seconds to the timestamps.


Use classic draw mode for console: Changes the chat console background to surround all visible text instead of displaying separate backgrounds per line of chat.

Use full screen width for console: Will allow the chat to be the full width of the screen

Fade chat after __seconds __ # lines: Allows you to choose how long chat console shows and how many lines show up before fading.

**Radar sub-tab

Here you can choose what alerts you get as well as optionally enabling a sound to be played.

You can preview the sound by clicking the "P" button, restore the default sound by clicking the "D" button.
To get a new UUID, find a sound in your inventory that has full permissions, then right-click the sound and select Copy Asset UUID from the menu. Then paste the value into the appropriate text box.

Radar reports when avatars enter/leave chat range: Will show in nearby chat when an avatar enters or leaves chat range.

Radar reports when avatars enter/leave draw distance: Will show in nearby chat when an avatar enters or leaves your draw distance.

Radar reports when avatars enter/leave the region: Will show in nearby chat when an avatar enters or leaves the region.

Report enter/exit alters to scripts: This is the same function that is available from the People panel gear menu. It will output radar information to user scripts

You can set the channel with the debug setting "RadarAlertChannel"

Note that the names shown by radar, in the nearby chat window, can now be clicked to open a profile.

**Keyword Alerts sub-tab

Enable Keyword Alerts: Enables using Keyword Alerts.

Look for Keywords in Chat: When checked, the alert system monitors Local Chat for the presence of these keywords.

Look for Keywords in IMs and Group Chat: When checked, the alert system monitors the IM and Group Chat areas for presence of these keywords.
Note: Alerts are not triggered by a group chat that is not open.

Keywords (separated by commas): Specifies the list of words that will trigger an alert. They can be individual words or phrases and are separated by commas.

Enable Color Alert: When checked, any messages that are to be alerted will have their color changed to what is specified in the color selector.

Play Alert Sound: Enables playing a sound, identified by the UUID:

Alert Sound UUID: Supply the alert sound UUID here. A default is given.
To get a new UUID, find a sound in your inventory that has full permissions, then right-click the sound and select Copy Asset UUID from the menu. Then paste the value into the text box.

**Text Input sub-tab

Auto-replace (button) Opens the auto-replace window where you can enable this feature as well as add or remove lists and entries. This feature is covered in our Odds and Ends 2 class.

Spell Checking (button) Opens the spell checking window where you can enable the feature as well as choose the dictionary to use.

Translation (button): Opens the Chat Translation Settings window, where you can specify if you want chat to be translated and which service to use.
The double chat bubble on the top of the nearby chat window will toggle translation on or off.

****Privacy Tab
**General sub-tab

Clear History (button): Will clear login image, last location, teleport history, web and texture cache

Publish my avatar in search listings: When enabled, allows anyone to find you using Search (which they can anyway if they know your full username).

Only friends and groups know I'm online: Allows only people on your friends list to see if you are online. Please note that LSL has a function that will still show your true online status to anyone.

Only friends and groups can call or IM me: When enabled, allows only friends and groups to be able to IM or call you. This is one we do not recommend enabling.

Switch off microphone when ending calls: Turns off your microphone when you end a private voice call (recommended and enabled by default). This can save some embarrassment :)

Automatically Accept New Inventory items: will automatically accept any inventory offers from avatars.

Use legacy inventory offer accept/decline messages: If enabled, the viewer will only send accept and decline messages after pressing the accept button.
If disabled, the accept response will be sent automatically as soon as the inventory offer has been received. This option has no effect if inventory offers are accepted automatically.

Automatically show newly accepted items in inventory: Will open the inventory window focused on that item when you receive an item.

Automatically view notecards, textures, landmarks after accepting: Will open the notecards, textures and landmarks after accepting them.

Create particle effects upon giving inventory objects to other avatars: This will show a swirl of particles around you when you give things to others.

Show my Favorite Landmarks at Login (via "Start At" drop-down menu): This allows any LMs saved in your Favorites folder to be accessed from the login screen. This allows you to log in directly to any LM in your Favorites.

Save (Chat Logs)

Here you can enable/disable saving chat logs, as well as add timestamps and/or dates. Chat log locations are defined in Preferences > Network & Cache.

The term Log now refers to the correlation between avatar name and UUID and the start time a conversation was opened. Transcripts are the actual text of the conversations

Save nearby chat transcripts: Enable this to save local chat.

Logs/Transcripts Drop-down: Select what you wish to save:
Log and transcripts
Log only
No log or transcripts

Clear log… Click this to erase the stored log.

Delete transcripts: Click this to erase any saved transcripts.

Location > Shows the location of your logs and transcripts, set in Preferences > Network and Cache tab.

Use legacy file name format for transcripts: Enable this to use the older style file name for transcripts (User Name), instead of the new one (user name).

Add date stamp to transcript filenames: If enabled, log file names will have the current date included in the file name. (not recommended)

Use built-in transcript viewer: Enable this to use the built-in text viewer when accessing chat history.

Manage Block/Mute list: People and/or Objects you have blocked. Opens the Block/Mute list.

**LookAt sub-tab

Show look at targets: Global toggle to enable the look at cross hairs. These indicate a camera's focus point, not necessarily where a person's camera actually is.

Don't show me my LookAt target: If enabled, this option inhibits the display of your own LookAt crosshairs on your screen.

Show names for look at targets: In this drop down menu you can select whether to show avatar names on the look at crosshairs: your options are,
Complete name
Display name
Legacy name

Don't send my LookAt target to others: Prevents your camera focus point from showing to others.

Don't send any LookAt targets not even to myself: Prevents your avatar's head from moving to face a point your camera is focused on in your own view. This head movement is not necessarily visible to others whether or not this option is enabled.

Don't send my selection target hints: Prevents your selection point from showing to others. This also disables the pointing animation.

*Autoresponse sub-tab

This tab is where you enter the text for the various autoresponses available.

Automatic response when in UNAVAILABLE (ie, BUSY) mode: Put the busy autoresponse message you want sent in this text box. To actually enable autorespond, go to the top menu bar > Comm > Online Status.

Automatic response to all avatars when in AUTORESPONSE to everyone mode: The message here is sent to people who IM you, if you enable Comm > Online Status > Autorespond.

Automatic response to non-friends when in AUTORESPONSE TO NON-FRIENDS mode: Similar to the above, but sent when Comm > Online Status > Autorespond to non-friends is enabled.

Automatic response to all avatars when in REJECT TELEPORT OFFERS mode: This message is displayed when you enable Comm > Online Status > Automatically reject teleport offers.

Send autoresponse to MUTED avatars: If this is enabled, then a message will be sent if someone you have muted, sends you an IM. Text can be specified in the text box below this option.

Send autoresponse when in AWAY mode: If this is enabled, then a message will be sent if someone sends you an IM while you are in AWAY mode. Text can be specified in the text box below this

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